What to do with your old yoga mat


What to do with your old yoga mat


If you’ve recently bought a new yoga mat or, have an old mat gathering dust in the back of the cupboard, you might be wondering what to do with your old yoga mat – particularly if you don’t want to throw it into land fill.

 We’re here to help with a few ideas on what to do with a pre-loved yoga mat  ….

  1. If your mat is made out of rubber, send it to Yogi-bare & they’ll have it turned into rubber chippings for safer flooring in play areas & parks.   In return, Yogi-bare will send you a 15% discount code against a new mat from their website. Perfect! 
  2. Contact Terra-Cycle a recycling company that recycles items that traditionally are un-recyclable. This is a great option if your old mat is made of any synthetic – non-degradable – materials such as PVC 
  3. Contact charitable organisations who provide yoga classes to at-risk communities such as The Phoenix Trust who promote yoga in prisons (UK).   If you don’t have a prison near you, try reaching out to organisations in your area who provide yoga classes to any at risk communities.  
  4. Homeless & animal shelters can often use old yoga mats as they’re useful as a ground mat for sleeping on or to line animal cages/beds. 
  5. If your old mat is still in good condition, how about giving it a really good clean & re-selling it?  Someone new to the practice who isn’t ready to invest in a mat just yet might really appreciate this.

Or, Upcycle your mat! ….

Just because you’re not using your old mat for yoga doesn’t mean it can’t have another purpose.   The non-slip properties of a yoga mat make it ideal for use around the home & garden:

* Use it as a non-slip backing for your rugs or carpets. 

* Cut it into squares and use it for outdoor (festival/ picnic) seating to prevent your clothes from getting muddy.

* Cut the mat up to line the boot (trunk) of your  car boot to stop things sliding around.

* Use it as a shoe mat for muddy boots & shoes inside your front door.

* Cut it up into small squares and use it as extra padding for your knees/wrists in yoga classes.

* Cut a little square to help open stiff jar lids with ease.

* Use it to line shelves.

*Use it as a pin board in your home office.

* Turn it into drink coasters to prevent stains on your furniture.

*  A place mat for your pets food & water bowls or litter box.

* Talking of pets .. if you have trouble keeping your pet off your mat when you’re practicing at home, why not lay your old mat next to your new mat & invite your pet to sit on the old mat whilst you practice?!

* Garden kneeling pad.

* Give it a good clean & use it as drawer liners in the kitchen or garage to stop things from slipping.


How have you used your old mat?  We’d love to hear your ideas ….


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