Balance with the Seasons

I always struggle when the seasons change.  

Just like now as we slip from Summer into Autumn.   Since the clocks fell back recently I’m finding it hard to get out of bed, my usual high energy levels have dipped, I’m wanting to withdraw inwards a little and I’m craving warming comfort foods.   

Is this just me or have you noticed it too?

I know it’ll take me a few days (weeks?!) to re-adjust to this change of season but I’ve decided, rather than try to maintain the same crazy Summer schedule of multiple activities packed into each day, I’m going to listen to my body and navigate the seasonal change by welcoming in all the good things that the slower, cooler days of Autumn offer. 

So, after I’ve changed my wardrobe from Summer clothes to Winter woolies, I’m going to allow myself to fall in love and embrace that Autumn wants me to slow down, to just sit & ponder, to make Turmeric almond milk lattes,  to go hiking,  to watch the soft sunrises & the glorious sunsets, to bake, write, sleep, reconnect with friends and family and change my yoga  practice to a slower more nourishing, restorative asana practice and enjoy some yoga nidra.

If you too have had a busy Summer and feel like you’re running out of steam,  rather than push yourself to go hard at the gym or choose a fast paced vinyasa flow class (because you think these will help kick you out of the ‘funk’ you’re feeling!) now’s the time to find a practice (or exercise) that nourishes you on every level, one that helps you get a little quieter on the inside so that you can tune into what is truly going to serve you well in the coming months.


The purpose of this post is to remind us that, just like the natural world, we too are affected by seasonal change.  If we try & maintain  the high energy of Summer when, in all honesty, our bodies want to hibernate, we will burn out.    Let’s respect the rise & fall of our energy and honour the inner voice that wants us to modify our daily life to bring us in harmony with the invisible rhythms of the season.    Maintaining a regular yoga and/or meditation practice now will most definitely  help you adapt during this time.


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