What is a Yogi?



Nicole Stone Yoga


What is a Yogi?

I’ve been thinking about this lately as someone recently told me that I didn’t strike them as a ‘typical’ yoga teacher.


Initially their comment hurt a little but then it got me thinking about well, how would you expect a typical yoga teacher to be like? 


Am I not a ‘typical’ yoga teacher because I don’t walk around in clothes that you think a yoga teacher wears ?  I do spend an inordinate amount of time in leggings & close fitting tops (because no-one wants their top to slide past their head in down dog so tight tops are a must!) but if someone’s idea of the dress code for a typical yoga teacher is something floaty & long then, no, that’s not me!  I did wear harem pants for a while whilst practicing yoga – loved them, very comfortable – but I kept tripping up in the excessive material so they had to go! 


Maybe I’m not not a typical yoga teacher because I spent 20+ years in the corporate world before training to be a yoga teacher?   Hence I tend to make quick decisions & can be ‘to the point’ in my actions and speech.  Honed by hours (& hours) spent in meetings where we we’re expected to make split decisions so that we could return to our desks to tackle the pile of emails & project work waiting for us.   I’m proud of my corporate background.  Without that experience I would never have had the knowledge to create & manage an on-going business that offers yoga retreats in Spain and the UK.  So Hurrah for corporate!


Is it because I don’t speak super slow in a ‘I’m going to drift off to sleep at any minute’ kind of speed?   I’ve always spoken relatively fast – mainly due to nerves – but also because sometimes, I’m so excited to share something that I speed up.  So please, bear with me if I speak fast when we meet,  I may have some nuggets to share or I’m just mirroring the  excitement you’re showing in the way you’re talking!  


I also walk faster than most people which I’ve always thought was because I have long(ish) legs so my stride is bigger? but no, in truth, I just walk fast haha!   I think that I’m just one of those people who, for the majority of the time, think, talk & move at pace .. unless I’m on a yoga mat when I most definitely slow down.   I think this is why I was initially drawn to yoga .. because it was the complete opposite (speed) of how I lived off the mat and still to this day, spending time on my yoga mat absolutely grounds me and brings me ‘home’ into my body.


And, just in case you’re wondering – because it’s a pretty ‘typical’ yoga teacher trait – I try practice ahimsa (non violence) wherever & whenever I can.  Not because being violent in actions, words & thoughts can be damaging to ourselves & others, but because it’s just ‘nice’ to be kind & to respect people, animals & plants.  I’m sure plants & animals have the same / similar feelings as humans.    And, in case you’re wondering, I don’t eat meat & very very rarely eat fish.   I just don’t like how they make my digestive system feel and, to be honest, I’m not comfortable with the way the majority of meat & fish companies  look after the animals.   I don’t think any less though of anyone who chooses to eat meat or fish .. it’s a personal choice after all. 



So, excuse my musings here but, having reflected on the ‘you don’t strike me as a typical yoga teacher’ comment.   I’ve come to accept that I’m just one of those people who – thankfully – are blessed with drive & energy.   Energy that I’m convinced is due primarily to a regular yoga practice & a vegetarian diet – and maybe that ‘energy’ comes across when I’m off the yoga mat hence I may talk & move a little fast sometimes and may not always appear as serene & calm as you would expect but, apart from all the reasons mentioned above, I honestly can’t think why I may not come across as a ‘typical’ yoga teacher to some people.   But, if we get to practice yoga together, I hope I can make you feel as excited and passionate as I am about how yoga can help you stay strong, flexible & mobile for many many years to come.   If I can do that, my job is done! 


Thanks so much for reading.


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