6 Ways to Support your Wellbeing this Autumn

Autumn Yoga Practice

It’s easy to think of Autumn as an ending of Summer but it’s nicer to think of it as a chance to slow down, to rest & reflect, to make plans for the future and look forward to some cosier months ahead.


Ayurveda – the sister science to yoga – considers Autumn as the period between the end of September & the end of October.  According to Ayurveda, in Autumn, our VATA dosha increases.  Vata is associated with dryness & the element of air.  Indeed, the wind picks up in Autumn creating a dryness that makes leaves fall and plants to wither after their Summer fullness.


6 ways to help you stay grounded & balanced this Autumn 


  1. Manage stress. Autumn is a good time to have a clear out, to get organized and simplify our lives.  After the long busy days of Summer, Autumn gives us the chance to slow down, to stop filling every second with activity and incorporate more periods of stillness & reflection.  See our Time to Slow it Down blog for ideas on how to better manage stress.
  2. Slow down your yoga practice. Switch to a slower more grounding yoga practice.  So a little less of fast moving, sweaty postures and more holding of postures for longer, the use of props to support your body, long savasana’s and more breathing practices.  Try this Restorative Yoga Class we gave during lockdown.
  3. Self Care. Incorporate little acts of what gives you energy & makes you feel nourished and avoid what drains you of energy.   See our Rituals blog for ideas to bring a sense of balance & comfort into your day.
  4. Increase intake of Vitamin C to boost your immune system.  Though it may not keep you from catching a cold, there is some evidence that high doses of vitamin C may decrease the length of cold symptoms by as much as one to one-and-a-half days for some people.  Natural sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, green and red peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts and kiwifruit, among others.  To get the most nutrients, eat these as soon as possible after shopping and consider steaming or microwaving for short periods of time to limit nutrient loss.  nb. obviously, check with your Doctor before taking high doses if you taking other medications.  
  5. Alternate nostril breathing – nadi shohana.  This lovely breathing practice balances the nervous system, reduces stress, calms the mind, helps clear mucus from the nasal passage, lowers anxiety & fear. 
  6. Massage.  Either invest in a massage or practice self-massage using a natural oil such as coconut or sesame.  After massaging, let the oil sit on your skin to moisturize and balance out the dryness of the autumn season.  See our Mood Boosting Benefits of Massage article for more info.


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