Create an Awesome You!

When we slip from the warm heady days of Summer to the quieter, cooler months of Autumn & Winter, our own inner energy also shifts from being energizing (Yang) to a quieter, calming (Yin) way of being.   

When Summer moves into Autumn the natural World begins to slow towards eventual hibernation (restoration) until Spring when the cycle of ‘re-birth’ begins all over again. 

The Earth’s energy is at is peak in Summer.  The brighter, longer warmer days of Summer mean we’re more active – physically, socially and mentally.  But these heady days of Summer can’t last forever (nor does our energy!).  Autumn arrives and we sense the Earth’s energy begin to wane .. as does ours.  Now’s the time to switch your energy down a notch or three …. 

Tune in to the rhythm of natural world and you’ll instantly feel more balance within yourself.

 embrace the coming months : they hold great secrets! 

Use this quieter Yin time of year to your advantage.  Over the coming weeks, reflect on the changes you’d like to see in your life.  Perhaps you’ve got an exciting project you’d like to get off the ground but don’t know where/how to start?  Or, you’d like to make some small life changes that would make a HUGE difference – but you’re nervous of change.   

Get creative! 

In the coming weeks, choose a quiet evening  (or a weekend afternoon)- ideally on your own. Grab some blank paper & coloured pens/pencils and produce a spider diagram of what you’d like your life to look like.  Ask yourself  …   

Where you’d like to live … 

The work you’d like to do …

The social life you’d like to have ..

How fit you’d like to be …

The new skills you’d like to have …

The person you’d like to become … 

Spider diagrams are a quick & easy way to visually organise concepts and ideas so get your ‘wishes’ out of your mind & onto paper.   Your finished diagram will instantly clarify the steps you could take to reach your goal and will act as a gentle reminder of what’s baby steps are needed each time you look at it.    And, if you’re not sure what steps to take or how to make the changes, ask us for details of the Life Coach we have on our team as she’s available via Skype/FaceTime at a time that suits you.  

Remember, your diagram is not set in stone  

Look at it often, tweak it, add to it, cross bits out as you achieve each small step !  As the saying goes ….

Where your attention goes, your energy flows

Stop procrastinating!  If you’d like next year (the next 3-5 years) to be different, you’ve got to change what you’ve always done as if not, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got!  (Bad English I know, but I think you get the drift!)    

Use the coming weeks/months to find balance in your life!

And, of course, if you’d like a holiday that invests in your well-being, then we’d love to see you on one of our  Yoga Breaks in  Spain!  

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